Instructions for creating pillows from satin ribbons

Decorating the interior and creating something with your own hands is not at all difficult if you have clear and detailed instructions, some free time and the necessary materials are at hand. We offer you an original idea for decorating ribbon pillows.

The unusualness of such a pillow will be in the material for the manufacture, we will create a cover for satin ribbon pillows. For the project to succeed, you must first decide in which color scheme a decorative pillowcase will be made and, accordingly, pre-select a set of ribbons. Orient in decisions on the color, you will help the interior, which will be a pillow.

For creating ribbon pillows we will need the following materials and tools:

  • satin ribbons of different colors (one length, different widths from 1 to 4 cm),
  • a set of pins,
  • a piece of cotton fabric on the lining,
  • fabric for the back of the pillow,
  • thread in the main color of the product,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Choose a flat horizontal surface, preferably with a cork or foam coating, in which it is easy to stick needles, while this is quite tough to make it convenient to work. Spread and secure with needles in the corners, a fabric blank, the size of a future pillowcase satin ribbon pillows, it will play the role of lining.

The next step is to create ribbon pillows: iron iron tape, preferably through a cloth or at a very low temperature. Field of, lay out in order of colors, or randomly. Tapes must be the same size in length. We fasten each tape on top with a pin, leaving the bottom edge free.

The next stage in the creation ribbon pillows the most creative. You need to pick up and thread horizontal ribbons. It is interesting to select the combination and immediately see the result, whether the shade approached or not. We fasten each tape from both ends with a pin. First, the left edge, and after the end of weaving, and right.

Continue to weave satin ribbon pillows, until the desired length, then secure all the free edges with pins and cut off all unnecessary. Before the crucial moment of stitching tapes on a sewing machine, it is recommended to tack them on lining fabric with wide stitches. In this case, working on a typewriter will be easier, and you will not have to correct the “cage”.

Sew our satin ribbon pillow. Tapes are stitched to the lining, the back part of the pillowcase is sewn from two rectangles overlapping each other.

To create a uniform style to the back ribbon pillows, instead of the standard buttons, sew a couple of ribbons.

The decoration is almost complete and now your ribbon pad will look nice not only from the front side. Your satin ribbon pillow - ready!

Watch the video: 3D CUSHION COVER PILLOW COVER with satin ribbon best out of waste (April 2024).

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