Easter decoration do-it-yourself: ideas and workshops

Among the most revered Christian holidays rightly ranked Easter. This religious ritual symbolizes rebirth and divine light. In order to fully feel the atmosphere, most believers create this day an Easter decor with their own hands. Also important is a table with festive dishes. It includes consecrated eggs, as a symbol of new life, and traditional Easter cakes. How to decorate the native abode at Easter, we will describe in detail below.

Main decorations

To create an Easter decor, you can use a variety of products and materials. They can be both natural and artificial nature. We list the main ones:

  1. Painted chicken eggs;
  2. Wood materials (twigs, foliage, bark, grass, moss, etc.);
  3. Woven and textile (lace, tablecloth, colorful fabric);
  4. Seasonal flowers;
  5. Decorative accessories (beads, stands, baskets, ribbons, patterned napkins);
  6. Various decorations (glass vases, forged candlesticks);
  7. As well as candles of bright colors.

From the above materials, people weave beautiful combinations, embodying their own creative talents. These are floral wreaths, festive garlands, combinations of wicker and curly elements. A popular decoration for Easter is the arrangement of a bird's nest in order to place consecrated eggs in it. Also Easter cake and candles are placed in the wickerwork. With this set it is convenient to go to church early in the morning.

Important. An important addition is considered to be a willow twig, symbolizing a warm and soft spring. Sometimes instead of it use branches of other beautiful bushes with which decorate a room.

Of these elements, amazing ensembles are obtained that can stand for a very long time.

Key decoration

These are the usual chicken eggs. Their value is difficult to overestimate, because the eggs are sent simultaneously to eternity and family comfort. Elements of the new life are placed in a wicker basket to decorate the holiday atmosphere and create the appropriate mood. Among the recommendations for decorating the interior with the help of eggs are the following:

  • Use of both natural and artificial eggs is allowed. The latter are necessary if the owners wish to leave them as an element of Easter decor for a long time;
  • With eggs come in different ways: they are painted, pasted, painted with patterns. Many get masterpieces that are not inferior in beauty to the famous Faberge. At the same time, no one is limited in decorative elements and ideas;
  • As for staining, here you can use natural and special dyes. The second are sold in stores, and the first is easy to create. The popular decoration for eggs for Christian Easter is a golden hue, which is formed when cooked in onion peel;
  • Imitation of Easter eggs can also be done with your own hands. The materials used are wood, cardboard, plaster, wire, thread, etc. Who has enough skills. Subsequently, decorated with rhinestones, mosaics, graphics, decorative beads;
  • For painted eggs make special stands, nests. Arrange in baskets so that you can decorate with other Easter elements. Good combinations are obtained with pet figures from dough - chickens, rabbits, etc.


Another mandatory element of the festive program for Easter can be considered a special wreath. It includes spring flowers and artificial eggs. Such an exotic attribute is often hung on the walls or entrance doors of the house. To make it, you can use a variety of materials:

  • Wire or ductile metal. However, it is better to contact a specialist with the latter;
  • Dry twigs or twigs of trees. Of these, you can make a dummy with the help of the wire, since the eggs are quite heavy. The design can be supplemented with hydrangea;
  • Wool or thread for knitting. Craftswomen use knitting needles to get a beautiful patterned mating;
  • Decorative ribbons, colorful foam, corrugated paper.

In the course are handy elements that can be stapled with the same wire.

Egg decor ideas

Ideas Easter decor includes many manipulations with eggs. Beginning with the coloring already mentioned, skillful hands draw up a smooth surface with decorative threads and small beads. The most popular is traditional beads. To do this, you must first apply the adhesive binder. Then sticky egg should be rolled in a colorful material. Since many people wish to preserve their own creativity as long as possible, it is recommended to use artificial eggs.

The same can be said about the sparkles of bright shades. Golden material is simply sprinkled on top of the prepared egg. Some manage to make an elegant ornament or pattern of airy material. It turns out, if in addition to use silver threads. With their help, they succeed in magnificent drawings, which are then glued to the Easter decor of the house.

They also use miniature pasta-stars, which are pre-stained with food coloring. From them are created whole constellations resembling the first spring sky. If there is no desire to mess with natural material, then you can buy special stickers in the store. The latter depict plots on religious themes. However, the opportunity to make an artistic painting with your own hands should not be missed either. Symbols of spring freshness will warm the heart with hope for a quick warmth.

Among the options for the traditional painting of Easter eggs are the following:

  • Easter Eggs. The most famous, and at the same time, time-consuming in the design, decoration option. It implies the use of paints and natural beeswax to create elaborate patterns;
  • Krapanki. These products are also created by melting wax. A characteristic feature of krapank is a strict combination of colors and stripes. This is due to the fact that in the future they will be applied exquisite specks;
  • Krashanka. The minimalist design of these products assumes a monochromatic coloring without the use of ornaments or patterns;
  • Dyapanki. Delicate handicraft means using a metal tip as a tool. With it, amazing patterns are displayed on the surface of the egg. Subtle work is somewhat reminiscent of the art of tattooing. As also involves the use of multi-colored dyes, firmly fixed on the surface;
  • Malevanki. This option does not carry a religious background, limited to the depiction of spring landscapes. It uses ordinary paint and artificial testes.


Creating an Easter home decoration with your own hands, you can easily make a festive tree. This product, traditional for many families, has cultural roots in the distant Middle Ages. To create it, it is enough to follow the known steps. First of all, you need a clay pot of a suitable shape. Cover its bottom with foam, moss and some dried grass. This composition is complemented with seasonal flowers, a sprig of a tree or a wire construction. Then the creation should be smeared with adhesive bonding and wound with corrugated material. Some use woolen threads for this.

Attention! The use of symbolic willow twigs is highly appreciated.

When the Easter tree is ready, you can decorate it with other attributes of a bright Christian holiday. It can be figures of butterflies, pets. Mostly they are made of thick cardboard. Flowers can be taken alive, because they are easy to replace with new ones. But the eggs are better than artificial, since they weigh a lot. You should not risk your stylish tree, which can suddenly fall from too heavy elements.

The pot itself can also be decorated with exquisite patterns. It will only benefit him.

Home interior decoration with flowers

Since Easter belongs to the spring holidays, the use of fresh flowers is considered a traditional rite. Compositions, wreaths and applications are created from plants. Often in the role of the main element is a willow twig. However, the use of other colors only for good. It can be the first tulips, violets, and even Japanese sakura. There are no restrictions here. Seasonal flowers are set in decorative vases, decorated with Easter paraphernalia, garlands and ribbons. And wreaths can even have a symbolic meaning. Where every plant has its secret meaning. In addition, for each locality it is different.

Flower decoration fills the home with the scent of freshness, springtime warmth and happiness. Due to the presence of a fragrant wreath in the house, everyone can fully enjoy the wonderful holiday of the rebirth of life.

Use candles

Easter decor is not limited to homemade creations, suggesting the widespread use of scented candles. They are also decorated with symbolic attributes of Easter. Sometimes ready-made creations can be found in the store. However, it is much more interesting to make them yourself. Moreover, to create a candle in a festive form is quite easy. Consider the sequence of actions:

  1. First you need to take care of the molds for wax products. To do this, take a chicken egg - and carefully make a hole to pour the contents. Then it should dry;
  2. Further, the rounded egg is decorated with an ornament or pattern using paint;
  3. Then prepare hot wax or melted paraffin. To do this, it is desirable to organize a water bath;
  4. Then you need to put a wick inside the hollow egg. It is easy to make of lace or thick thread. Material can be any;
  5. Extremely carefully pour the liquid consistency of wax into the shell, and then let it harden inside;
  6. Such an exquisite candle is often placed in a wrought-iron candlestick or an ordinary glass decanter. In the store you can buy special Easter coasters.

It was an egg-shaped holiday candle. However, no one limits the skilled workers in creative work. The shape can be any, because the wax is a plastic material. Then the product is recommended to be consecrated in the church so that it acquires its sacred significance.

Other ideas

For the manufacture of jewelry great experience is required. In the course can go improvised materials that are in the house. Creativity contributes to raising the mood and pacifying the atmosphere. The joy of self-made products will be much greater than from purchased in the store.

Among the popular ideas of the decor, the following can be highlighted:

  • Figures of touching animals, cut out of cardboard. They are painted or printed out on the printer ready-made images. The latter can then be cut along the contour and gently stick on top of a denser material. These figures will easily fit into the Easter composition, adequately taking their place. The interior of the house becomes noticeably warmer with such cute accessories;
  • Decorative ribbons are well combined with eggshell, which is pre-dyed and decorated with beads, sequins or silver threads. On such a tape you can stick several cute shells at once. Subsequently, it is hung on the front door, the chandelier in the living room, the curtains on the windows, etc .;
  • It is easy to make a big festive egg with the help of a usual inflatable ball. To do this, it is enough to inflate, coat with adhesive bonding, then wrap with gold threads. When the glue dries, it is necessary to make a thin puncture. The deflated ball can be thrown away, and the resulting form of thread can be decorated with additional accessories;
  • Figured pillows from textiles. The brighter the fabric, the more fun the finished product will look. It is advisable to stuff the pads with straw or medical cotton. Then the basket will not seem ponderous.

This is not a complete list of possible ideas for decoration, because no one puts restrictions. Use your imagination to the maximum to create a magical atmosphere in your own home.


There are a lot of scenery options for this holiday. And they are extremely easy to create with their own hands. Since childhood, everyone is familiar with the arrangement of rooms with Christmas garlands. At Easter, you can also cut out these wonderful things from felt and paper materials. Another well-known option is the embroidery of napkins or a whole tablecloth. If the patterns are consistent with the theme of a Christian holiday, then everyone will appreciate the love of the traditions of the owners of the house. Juicy and bright shades of decor allow you to breathe freshness into the interior. A good combination is where white, blue, yellow and green are used. At the same time, national symbolism in embroidery is a widespread practice. Her motifs can be found on textiles, candles and eggs.

Decoration of the holiday table

To the traditional Easter dishes (painted chicken eggs and Easter cake), you can add the following elements for the holiday table:

  • Fresh flowers in decorative vases;
  • Handmade tablecloth made of cotton or linen fabric;
  • Self-embroidered napkins;
  • Carved figures of domestic animals;
  • Easter sets in wicker baskets;
  • Other accessories.

It is important not to forget about the festive bright dishes. You can also add a composition with willow twigs. It is easy to make yourself if the right components are at hand. These include a shallow bowl, natural moss, quail eggs and decorative ribbon. The earth is poured into a bowl and covered with moss. Bird eggs are laid in the center, and twigs are sticking around the ground along the perimeter. They should be neatly tied up with a bright red ribbon. You can make a beautiful bow.

Among the drinks on this day, alcohol is rarely found. Usually it is juices, various decoctions and compotes, as well as clean well water. The absence of strong drinks is explained by the religious background of the holiday, which excludes the abuse of intoxicating substances.

Attention! It has become an interesting tradition to make personalized cards for guests who come to this holiday.

They are placed next to the festive plates, and are signed in beautiful handwriting. Make them just from the same cardboard and silver or gold threads. If desired, you can additionally decorate with sparkles or rhinestones. The charm of the exclusivity of the place will be even greater if you put a homemade bunch of spring flowers and an Easter egg next to it.


Preparing for a bright Christian holiday can bring a lot of joy. This is due to the possibility of creative expression, which is manifested in the creation of Easter decor. His attributes are well known to everyone, and the technique of execution is easy to master on your own. Many things have a symbolic meaning. Finished products should be consecrated in the temple so that they bring happiness to the house.

Watch the video: DIY Easter Placemats (April 2024).

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