Kitchen Design 10 sq m - 30 photos of interior ideas

Ten square meters of space is enough for arranging a comfortable kitchen. The space allows you to arrange furniture set in a convenient manner, without limiting the freedom of movement. However, good quadrature is not a guarantee of proper design. Experts insist that the kitchen design of 10 square meters should be not only stylish, but also functional. Therefore, designers have developed several decoration recommendations for owners of such premises. Equally important is the understanding that the modern kitchen serves not only the function of cooking. Her "duties" also include providing guests with a place for gatherings, a host of leisure during the week. Next, we present these developments in more detail, so that the reader has a holistic impression.

Room functionality

The purpose of the kitchen makes obvious the functions that must be performed by the design objects:

  • Storage of fresh food and kitchen tools;
  • Cooking food;
  • Storage of ready meals;
  • Washing of kitchen utensils;
  • Providing owners with comfort.

First of all, it concerns the minimum set: stove, refrigerator and desktop. Without them, it is difficult to imagine a functional room. Depending on the number of people living, the magnitude of this set will be directly proportional. For example, a bachelor life does not imply the presence of a long dining table, a large number of chairs.

Another thing is when a large family lives in the apartment, which, in addition to the table, will require many more furniture items. We are talking about lockers for placing kitchen accessories, allowing you to fully take care of your children. These cabinets should be closed so that a small child does not have the opportunity to get a juicer or blender, and get hurt about them.

Bright rectangular kitchen of 10 square meters

General kitchen design trends

Since the modern premises are multifunctional, the kitchen interior of 10 sq. Implies a well-considered zoning of space. The smallest possible option is to divide it into the following two zones:

1. Working area - intended for the implementation of the process of cooking. It is located where it is possible to bring the necessary engineering communications. Here, without fail, the main kitchen equipment is present, as well as the sink and furniture.

Cabinet for the maintenance of household chemicals should not be located next to the products.

The location of the working area near the wall with a window is completely allowed, if it does not cause problems with the connection of all communications.

2. Dining area - intended for the process of eating. The technological design of the designed kitchen of 10 square meters makes it possible to equip this area not only with a table and chairs. Here you can place a couch, provide a place for a sideboard, ergonomic lockers for accessories.

A fashionable trend is the practical use of multifunctional interior elements. This leads to saving of useful space in the kitchen and reduces the amount of equipment required, without depriving it of the necessary functions at the same time. Furniture can also be a multi-purpose destination.

Interior zoning methods

It can be done using different methods:

  • Multi-level lighting. Competent kitchen design 10 square. m allows you to organize in a given space local lighting of individual sections. Different types of lamps are placed as comfortably as possible for the owner: they can be embedded in a furniture set, hung on walls, fitted on the ceiling, and also simply placed on a horizontal plane. The task of these devices is one thing - to illuminate functional areas well.
  • Decorative trim. Here you can use different colors and textures of finishing materials. A pronounced textured surface visually separates kitchen objects from each other no worse than color. To separate the functional zones from each other, you need to arrange the headsets of one of them darker. As a rule, it can be a work area.
  • Organization of the podium. Elevation is possible to create in any of the zones. It allows you to very clearly distinguish between space.
  • Installation of partitions. The most obvious method of delimiting zones, which is creatively used by modern designers. As partitions, they use the décor elements present in the room. With the function of separating zones, the bar counter does an excellent job. Also, a soft corner can be divided into parts.

Many users want to implement zoning of the room through the use of different styles of decor. However, the design of the kitchen of 10 square meters is recommended to be issued in the same way, since the harmonious combination of contrasting styles is a difficult task.

Room decoration

In addition to the multifunctional equipment of the working space, the kitchen design of 10 sq m implies finishing works. As facing materials for a surface of kitchen walls plastic panels and the washing wall-paper usually act. The flooring is made with tile, laminate or a budget option - linoleum.

At the same time, various shades can be used, which, in addition to the delimitation of zones, are designed to compensate for one or other deficiencies of the layout. Sometimes it takes space to expand, for which apply dark colors of finishing materials in order to emphasize bright accents. However, here you should be careful with the color palette, since saturated colors should harmoniously look with all the other elements in the kitchen.

Popularity won materials imitating natural stone or leather. These stylized veneers decorate the kitchen with the image of noble wood, brickwork and other natural components.

If earlier severe requirements were made to the furniture and the options of white color were not even considered, then progressive technologies radically changed this situation. Now the surface of a practical headset is easily cleaned from dirt, and the snow-white cleanliness of the decor symbolizes the cleanliness of the owners.

Kitchen layout with an area of ​​10 square meters

Typical schemes for the location of kitchen elements in space are the following:

  • The layout of the letter G. Strict, the classic version implies ergonomic placement of the stove, washing sink and the installation of the refrigerator. Since access to these kitchen components is the most important, it should be as simple as possible. It is important to ensure freedom of movement.
  • Placement of the headset in a straight line. Usually this planning method is used in small kitchens. However, the owners of the premises of 10 square meters can also use this technique for the benefit. It is enough to choose a stylish headset with bright accents. It can be a minimalist white decor, and pompous baroque. The main thing is that there is enough space for the manifestation of fantasy.
  • Corner layout. Many are considered the best option, because it saves usable space in the kitchen. The compact arrangement of all kitchen elements facilitates the life of the hostess, and the free space leaves room for organizing a corner in it to relax. A soft sofa or coffee table will look great with a separate area. The practicality of this method is also to ensure the safety of vacationers who are not threatened by the aggressive environment of the work area.
  • The location of the kitchen table in the center, in the form of an island. This option is extremely stylish. The original decision to place a multifunctional table in the middle creates new opportunities. It can be made mobile, without fixing in one place. Such an island may well become a closet near the wall, freeing the central space. It also quickly transforms into a regular dining table, if placed in the center of the kitchen. The lower part of the island is practically equipped with compact divisions for storing accessories or products. For the design of a given area - this is one of the most suitable options.

Features kitchen design 10 square meters with balcony

The presence of a balcony in the kitchen layout creates a pleasant dilemma for the owner: to organize the continuation of the interior from it or to leave it alone. If there is a need for additional quadrature, then this approach is quite possible. In this case, on the balcony you can place various furniture products for storing food or other things. This is the first thing that comes to mind, but the creation of a dining area on the loggia, with the installation of a table and chairs there, became popular.

Glazed balcony is better not to curtain curtains. Short curtains, light curtains provide better freedom of movement of the owner, as well as additional lighting of the kitchen space.

Due to good light, the suite on the balcony is chosen in dark colors, and the walls are decorated with light finishing materials.

The cardinal method of changing the layout is to demolish the wall that separates the balcony from the kitchen. After that, within the framework of the chosen style, the partition is equipped. It could be an arch or something else.

The choice of style for design

The area of ​​10 square meters allows you to apply a variety of styles, but the most popular is still the classic. This style involves the use of massive furniture products, elegant fittings, and home appliances built into the headset. Open shelves are designed to accommodate beautiful accessories that match the style.

An interesting option is the use of the style of American country music. This cozy design involves the use of exclusively natural components: furniture made of natural wood, finishing materials, pastel colors, textile accessories.

Minimalist design is devoid of a large number of frills, uses artificial finishing materials and is designed to save space. High-tech is characterized by the presence of a large number of steel and glass elements of the situation. Modernity is attributed to the active use of glossy details, bright color combinations with plant patterns on the walls, as well as built-in lights.


A competent approach to organizing a kitchen design of 10 square meters allows you to create a cozy atmosphere and compensate for possible shortcomings of the room layout. Following our recommendations, the owner can safely begin to develop a design project.

Watch the video: 30 Best Modern Kitchen Design Ideas (April 2024).

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